Litecoin Confidential Transactions / MWEB - Dedicated Fund

Litecoin is one of the leading cryptocurrencies in the market. Its blockchain has been working consistently with 0-downtime since its inception back in 2011. In order to continue to grow Litecoin globally, we need to solve the very important issue of fungibility. At the moment, Litecoin transactions are made completely public. This means that that certain types of transactional information can be deducted from the Litecoin ledger to track a person’s purchases or wealth.

If Litecoin is going to be adopted by mainstream users and businesses, we need to provide financial privacy. For example, fungibility helps protect users from having their transactions or balances readily accessible on the blockchain for criminals to identify attractive targets.

Following the Litecoin Community Crowdfunding System, the Litecoin Foundation is setting up a dedicated development fund which will go towards sponsoring David Burkett, who is a developer for Grin++, to work on implementing the Extension Block and MimbleWimble code for Litecoin so that we address this issue of fungibility.

The plan is for David to work 30 hours a week. This will be split into 15 hours for Grin++ and 15 hours for MimbleWimble via Extension Blocks. We believe that this will be a mutually beneficial arrangement because Grin++ code will eventually be forked onto Litecoin’s Extension Block. Therefore any development in Grin++ will be immediately beneficial to Litecoin.

For more information on how opt-in privacy will be implemented onto Litecoin, here are the two Litecoin Improvement Proposals (LIPs):

Since the current Litecoin code is very similar to Bitcoin code, David Burkett will have a large task ahead of him. Historically, Litecoin Core regularly merges code upgrades from Bitcoin Core. So in order to make sure that this continues to happen even after the MimbleWimble code has been integrated, David will need further resources to make the necessary infrastructure changes so once MimbleWimble code is released on Litecoin, the Litecoin Core developers will still be able to merge changes from future Bitcoin core releases.

The goal of this proposal is to raise $6,000 per month for 12 months for David Burkett for a total of $72,000. The funds will be held in an escrow account held by the Litecoin Foundation and will be released evenly each month after David Burkett releases his progress update and code repositories. If the total goal is not raised within the first month, then the BTC/LTC amount needed to fund the remaining USD balance will be updated according to the asset prices of Bitcoin and Litecoin at that given time.

Goal: $72,000.

Community donated:

  • LTC: 1217.48955838 Ł
  • BTC: 0.17583382 ₿

Charlie matched:

  • LTC: 1173.93503951 Ł
  • BTC: 0.17583382 ₿

Total donated:

  • LTC: 2391.42459789 Ł
  • BTC: 0.35166764 ₿

Total paid out:

  • Dec 2019 - 138.36074798 Ł
  • Jan 2020 - 84.19788186 Ł
  • Feb 2020 - 100.60024815 Ł
  • Mar 2020 - 154.31106539 Ł
  • Apr 2020 - 127.00805019 Ł
  • May 2020 - 124.86992716 Ł
  • Jun 2020 - 144.90968504 Ł
  • Jul 2020 - 93.11651670 Ł
  • Aug 2020 - 95.48240896 Ł
  • Sep 2020 - 129.78360747 Ł
  • Oct 2020 - 106.68297731 Ł
  • Nov 2020 - 67.75917036 Ł
  • Dec 2020 - 47.96266586 Ł
  • Jan 2021 - 0.15810081 ₿
  • Feb 2021 - 0.12238040 ₿
  • Mar 2021 - 29.49140969 Ł
  • Apr 2021 - 22.22222222 Ł
  • May 2021 - 33.435 Ł
  • June 2021 - 42.968 Ł
  • July 2021 - 37.006 Ł + 0.01745010 ₿
  • Aug 2021 - 34.493
  • Sep 2021 - 39.628
  • Oct 2021 - 31.773
  • Nov 2021 - 28.115
  • Dec 2021 - 39.362
  • Jan 2022 - 59.748
  • Feb 2022 - 57.949
    = $162,000

Total left in fund:

  • LTC: 278.42719158 Ł
  • BTC: 0.04916578 ₿
  • ≈ $38,000

Here is how you can donate: (Charlie Lee will match every LTC and BTC donated!)

Progress Updates


Can we “invest” not “donate”? For example we will get comission from users who will use MW feature. I think such strong developer can put this on code. I will donate in this case :smiley:


@noxonsu The fees from the main chain or extension block chain will go to the miners, as it is intended. If you want a cryptocurrency that is different in design use a permissioned blockchain. Litecoin has had no premine nor has any internal funding system - it has grown organically in 8 years and will continue to do so without the need for such a system. Hope that helps to clarify the question.


For transparency, monthly payouts will be sent to my LTC address:


Or my BTC address:



I have sent in the donation match for this month.

0.01411267 BTC

208.25568015 LTC

Thanks to everyone that’s donated to this fund!


December pay of $6000 (138.36074798 LTC at 43.3649 LTC/USD) has been sent out to David.


Thank you so much Charlie for your continued support!


Sent a BTC donation last night. So stoked this is happening; thanks, Charlie, David, and team! :grinning:


Happy to see open communication and progress :blush:


are there any developer positions available at the moment or in the near future?


Are there any Grin++ updates or threads?


Only what’s discussed here: MWEB Progress Update Thread

I should definitely get better about documenting future Grin++ releases though.


Donation match for January sent out:

0.01760212 BTC

95.36915683 LTC (Sent from the Genesis address! :open_mouth:)


Thank you Charlie for your continued support & vision for litecoin and the community

We are forever grateful

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David’s update for this month: MWEB Progress Update Thread - #13 by David

January pay of $6000 (84.19788186 LTC at 71.2607 LTC/USD) has been sent out to David.


Donation match for February sent out:

2.683887 LTC

Unfortunately, the community has not donated much this past month.


David’s update for this month: MWEB Progress Update Thread - #22 by David
MW/EB testnet launch targeted for end of summer.

February pay of $6000 (100.60024815 LTC at 59.642 LTC/USD) has been sent out to David.


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