Antminer L3+, advice me

Hello guys ,

I’m new in this domain :wink: I’d like some tips for farm with Antminer L3+.
I’ve been seeing some sites : Exchange , Mining calculator , Mining calculator n°2

What do you think of this purchase ? Shop Bitmain .

This site it’s a scam or not ? Is the profitability accurate as some sites say higher ?
I saw the course of the Litecoin increase very quickly her last weeks.

Do I have to mining solo or with pool ?

For the wallet, what do you advice me ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

legit site is

there is a massive dump of equip coming out in the world in July …3 batches imho…thus keep in mind
if bitmain kicks them out like toasters

I’d only get from bitmain for now…all are pre-orders …if they have units on hand (anyone) they are charging

way too much anyway so use the site and do what all asic miners pray happens …mine more coin than you

paid for the unit…(we are all stupid that way)

Yes they are legit, if you are new to mining you might want to consider hosting. Giga Watt is holding an ICO now you can lock in 3.3c kwh and they do onsite repairs for Bitmain miners. You can order from Bitmain and have it shipped to them. Worth looking into if you are gonna bulid a big farm or just want to skip the learning curve. Here’s the ICO
If you are just getting a couple of miners and electricity isn’t expensive and live in an area that gets cold in winter you might want to mine at home for the free heat. Just don’t plan to keep them in a room you are watching TV in cause the fans aren’t quit. But the free heat is a nice extra benefit of mining at home. Otherwise having your miners hosted by professionals is win win, low hassle and cheap electric 3.3c kwh.

For those who are interested, we have L3+ miners available. Please provide your email addresses and I will send the details.

Hi Brother My name is Mani Iam form india , i have l3+ machine please send me all details about l3+ mining pools and other important point s.

IF the method you are using is gathering a mess of pre-orders on the 7-10 day wire xfer …and thus charging a premium…this may not work anymore …they have, supposedly, shut down wire xfer order action. Only LTC or BTC.

Might be tough to sell those…in that bitmain last I heard only takes LTC or BTC now. Not wire xfer. Thus they likely are expired.

Not sure you could be grandfathered in. But this is how they currently are handling sales now, due to folk buying in mass

and then selling them 3rd party via wire xfer (used to be you had 7-10 days) …thus scalping units.

No judgment here. But you may want to check if the units are still active.

If you really do have 100 some units to sell…my hats off to you for the risk of re-sale.

1127W :open_mouth:

Imagine having 5 300 w solar panels, for each miner

yeah…well…not sure how that would fly expensive