Wallet drained please help

20 sender’s is weird. This is the one where someone stole 209 ltc and emptied my wallet. I still don’t know how because the private key was never ever online or anywhere




May 7, 2018, 5:54 AMUTC

Transaction hash:


Senders: 20

Recipients: 1

Just as indicated by @mautematico

what is the paper wallet website you used to generate your private key?

The generator most likely.

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Thanks for reply Nickz

The generator was the one most people were using at the time for both btc and LTC wallets, this was around 2015/6.

My dad also made paper wallets the exact same way as me everything was exactly the same at the same time and his was fine but after what happened to me he moved his crypto.

If it was the wallet generator why didn’t they take my dads as well?

Is there any other way at all to break private keys? Some say it is possible these days?

I strongly suggest you contact Police Authories about this

Your LTC was clearly stolen
When a crypto steal gets reported to police, all the addresess associated with your address will be blacklisted.
Big services like blockchain & binance & coinbase & robinhood and so and so can hold the funds and make the funds unaccessible till their source is confirmed

Reporting this to police is the first thing you should have done.

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Thanks ok I will report it

What is the process?

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Imagine you have 10 000 of keys, you first check who holds a 1000 and than go down (fiction)
How much did your dad hold at the time?

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I did report it to the police and they told me to make a statement. I also made a large report on report fraud they have a specialist team and they have all the details

Is there any other procedure

My dad had about the same as me, we used the same generator to make Bitcoin wallets and they held more value. They are not taken so it doesn’t make any sense

The most popular wallet generator was walletgenerator(dot)com

And i decided to do some research


Please take a look at these links.

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Thank you yes that is the most likely I have read those.

What I don’t understand is that I generated the private key offline. How could the dodgy wallet generator still somehow get the private key?

I understand if the one I generated was fake and they had a real one, but my dad did everything the same as me and his private key worked?

Ok but it could deliver the key once you get online or not?

The laptop and printer were never ever online again after

I’m oversimplifying here but this can explain why / how the attacker can still “get” your private key even if you used an offline computer and printer:

  • Think of private keys as numbers. Random, super large prime numbers. The key here is random.
  • Oflline wallet generator could be using a fake-random private key generator, that is actually always producing the very same 100,000 private keys.
  • Victim downloads and (offline) runs wallet generator that generates one of those 100,000 pks.
  • Attacker has ran their own fake-random generator in order to generate not one but all of the 100,000 pks, then just waits, watches coins coming and steals them.

In a scenario like this, attacker is not the only one who can steal money; anyone who discovers the fake-random generator range can build the list, watch it and steal the money.

In fact, the fake-random generator could even be just a faulty-random generator that, by mistake, generates what we call predictable private keys.

Thanks Frederick your explanation is one of the best I have seen.

But what I still don’t understand is if they had the seed key then what’s the point of me making my own random private key myself and how the actual private key could still work on my dads who made it the same way as mine?

It’s such a long string of numbers and upper and lowercase I still don’t know how they could know it?

The safest way is not to use a web based key generator.

That is extremely sad, but nothing to do about it, might have exposed your keys