Transaction stuck in submitting to mempool

Hi all.

My transaction seems to be stuck in my Litecoin Core desktop wallet. I am on the latest version. It has been 48 hrs and the transactionID is not appearing in any LTC explorers. I tried 3 of them.
In the debug log I see the below messages repeating. I read through some other posts. I request some confirmation that this transaction will eventually fail and I can see the correct balance in my wallet. If not is there any command parameter I can use with litecoin-qt.exe to either rollback this trans or increase the fee? Thanks for any guidance on this!! :slight_smile:

Submitting wtx to mempool for relay

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This sounds weird.

The minimum tx fee is 1sat/byte the application should give u an error if u go under that line.

And with 1sat/byte u get 100% into the next block. So really hard to say what’s going wrong.

Some Screenshots could help maybe.
Ur TX history + TX details of the stucking one.

I am happy to share that I was able to resolve the issue. Following are the steps I took:

  1. I checked the debug logs (I was using litecoin core desktop wallet) and saw that the transaction was not getting submitted successfully. It was being retried.
  2. I then confirmed that the source address for my litecoins still had the same balance before I had attempted the transfer.
  3. I then found the private key for my address
  4. I imported the key into a different wallet. I used Exodus
  5. I sent the coins from Exodus to my target wallet

Thanks for the update. It will help others.