The birth of

Some of you may have noticed that hasn’t been updated in a while - the last dates on the graphs are August 6th. In order to continue with what I think is a valuable dataset, I’ve implemented most of the data-pages (market stuff is in the works, but it’s going to take a while as there’s quite a bit of infrastructure to get in place first).

If you go to you’ll see the main page showing the expected difficulty based on the trajectory of the difficulty over time. You can also see the hash-rates over different average periods, and their relative position is another indicator for where the difficulty is going to end up. Finally, there’s a plot of the hash-rates themselves, and an indication of the spread over time.

At the top, the menu also lets you play with the calculator, which uses a fixed-difficulty per period since this fits the real-world data much better than a percentage-increase-per-period (the calculator averages the last 8 weeks to get the default value it uses), with optional fields for costs, pool gain-percentage (where some pools actually return much more than the native LTC mining would, for example), and any increase in LTC value that you want to postulate.
