Question about addresses

Is it possible to recover a private address of a wallet from just the passphrase and public address? I accidentally sent some coins to an old address and I do not have the wallet.dat file for it. Is there any way to recover it? its got 82 LTC sitting in that wallet. if possible, recovery will net you a 10 LTC reward.

No…you must have the private key…a public address is a hash result and hashing is a one way function…your key pair is created first from random information…then hashed…to give an address

you can calculate a private key from a public key and a public key form a private key with the elliptical curve calculation, but going form key to address is hash result and cannot be reversed in any way…so you cannot get a key from an address you can only verify that an address belongs to a key…not a key to an address…

other than guessing every possibility for you private key (which would take more than a life time to do for a single 256 bit private key and one hacking machine hundreds of years to do) until the answer is found…which is pretty much what mining is…

a wallet.dat file which is your wallet backup…and with out that Im sorry to say that no one can help you here…
unless you just so happened to write down your private / public key pairs and stashed them somewhere…

why do you need to recover in the first place?
did you format your drive or delete the old application data folder?
if u did not delete the appdata and just upgraded and your coins just aren’t there…that is different…
if you did not delete then it may be possible to recover your keys using python wallet…or john the ripper…but if anything was deleted or you don’t know where you moved it to then it wont do any good…

the wallet file was on my old computer and i sold it. I realized that my wallet file was on that PC and i tried recovering it but it was already written over 1000s of times and was too corrupt to recover. I was hoping there is another way but i guess im never getting those coins out. I have roughly 83 LTC stuck in that address. I remember my passphrase used to lock the wallet but i do not have my private key. I guess thats what happens when you dont make local backups. lesson learned.