Promo video contest now on Youtube + LITECOIN GIFS

Oh! Maybe @losh11 just need to update omniexplorer. I bet he just installed while working over litecoin core.
This Telegram channel is dedicated to Omnilite. Loshan is on it everyday. You should join. A lot of answers

Litecoin is the King of Scrypt

To view the GIF:


That’s awesome! With the fluctuating market of cryptocurrencies today, it’s going to be quite difficult for you to make a lot at this current juncture, but let me just tell you how impressive it is that you won this. It might be something that will carry on and a good sign that you will soon make a lot of your investments. So keep striving and hopefully you get more from your LTC. Also, I’m not quite sure if this is true, but I’ve heard LTC is dead but that was a few years ago. Did it have a huge comeback? If so, hold unto them until the prices go back up again! Again, good luck and congratulations for your prize!

Thank you

Best luck to you too in ur endeavour

@sashatheguru Two weeks: - YouTube

@Lite_Diss …2 weeks before the next contest?

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Two weeks for litecoin to explode! :slight_smile:

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Looking as well for a rocket launch!! LTC is strong against both BTC and ETH
Working on a saint valentine GIF but u gave me an idea…will work on it asa I got time

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New Gif
Love from Litecoin
Happy Valentine’s day you all. May you find your teammate

You can view the GIF here

Dlow here

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A video is at best a small contribution of a marketing campaign. Where do you guy got the impression that an airdrop, a twitter publication is marketing?

marketing starts with a user profile and a strategy.