New Mining Pool for Java Miner...Site now up and running

New Mining Pool Site Up and Running and users can now mine the cryptonight blockchain and get paid in either Bitcoin, Litecoin or Monero…I am fairly new to this so please bear with me…any help is always appreciated

Please click the link to open the miner

New Java Miner

If the link works and your device mines…please send me a message (by clicking my user name and clicking “Message”)and I can miner page for you once you create your account and I approve your membership…that will keep track of your hashes and pay you out in LTC or BTC…thanks

If the first link does not work on your device try this one which has a lower difficulty…works better on cellphones if the first one does not
Low Difficulty Java Miner

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Hi @bakd247 im new in the site. The link rules for me, im waitting for you to accept me. Thx

I have accepted everyone who has sent me an English submission…I have been having a lot of problems with my email though…I did just change the address to my new working email account so I am getting all applications and messages correctly now…what is your email username? that may have been the user name I assigned to you…

Hi, im from spain so english is not my main lenguage, i apologize for mistakes. My email is and im just starting in this world

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Check your email…i already sent you everything a few hours ago then…

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For some very interesting reason, I do not see the option to send a direct message to you, It is probably a new account thing. If you would please send me a message with the personal link.

Thank you

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just click the link and sign up and I will approve you within 24 hours after I setup your miners page…you dont have to message me for an account anymore…

btw move your cursor over the badge to the left labeled"B" and single click it…you will see a little box that says “message”…that is how you private message a user on

same as above only without verification step…PLEASE TEST YOUR DEVICE FIRST!!!

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Why do I receive a message saying that access to the miner site was blocked in order to save me from my ‘details’ being stolen?

Is this just another scam?

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what is your user name?..the site is working fine
no my site is not a scam…I run it personally and pay out regularly…
how many times did you log in? if over 10 with in an hour I’m sure that may be the issue…
wix does not allow for multiple login within a certain time frame to prevent DDOS attacks

I am seeing a user who logged into their account 76 times within 12 hours…must be it right here…
if you just let your miner run…all your hashes are credited…

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I’m new here so I don’t think I can message you. I set up a new account on Java Web App page. How can I provide details securely to confirm my account?

I just figured it out. I should have read all of the replies in more detail.

Thanks anyway

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I don’t get as far as entering my username. All that gets displayed on the page is;

Your connection is not secure

The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

Learn more…

Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites

I have tried this on two different computers and also through various proxies. Nothing to do with username.

This following message was also displayed but with

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because your typing in the address wrong…the security certificate is assigned to your device so you cannot access it using https first…
type and you will have a secured connection once your at the site
its configured correctly to access an external server…this is why your connection is secured after you get to the site and outside certificates are not aloud

you can click “advanced” in that box right there and then click “Add Security Exception” in the next window…
a lot of browsers think that miners are malware…and they are if you use them incorrectly…so your gonna have to add an exception to your security in order to use the miner…

your the first person to have this issue and I have about 20 people connected right now mining just fine

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Cool. That fixed it.

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HI bakd247
I would like to try the miner

thank you

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To securely confirm your account details on a Java Web App page, utilize encrypted communication methods like HTTPS i.e Employ secure authentication processes, such as multi-factor authentication or token-based verification, to validate your account securely. Avoid sharing sensitive information through unsecured channels and ensure the website implements robust security measures to protect personal details. If possible, verify the website’s SSL certificate for added security assurance.

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