Mining for days on pc and no litecoin

I have been mining for days and I dont have even a partial litecoin. Am I doing something wrong?

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now it is very difficult to dig so you can dig nothing.

If you are trying to mine on a pc that is what’s wrong, you need an ASIC machine to mine and you won’t make money at it unless you get wholesale electricity.


Even with wholesale or free electricity miners won’t get any profit. Mining Litecoin on PC as you are mining XMR on Raspberry Pi

yes possibly

Almost any coin can be mined with a personal computer as far as mining software exists (or if you are able to make one). But would that be profitable? Yes, but mining can be expensive because of the high costs involved. So as long as you can cover that, mining can be profitable.

It’s quite difficult to mine LTC on a pc buddy. You should get an ASIC, you pc won’t do the job.