LTC price stability?

Lite coin price shall stabilize.

At what price?

There are no guarantees when you are a part of a moving market. All you can do is accept what is happening and find ways to protect what you own.

LTC isn’t a stablecoin. It can’t be stable priori

To understand the LTC price stability, the best place to start is to look at the volatility. Volatility is the amount of price change experienced in the market. If a product experiences a high level of volatility, then the LTC price can change greatly in a short amount of time. A high level of volatility makes it more difficult to rely on the LTC price. However, when the volatility is low, then the LTC price will stay close to the same rate for a longer period. With the LTC price stability, you are able to rely on the price and know that it will not fluctuate significantly.