I just downloaded the app and had Litecoin sent to the address it created for me. Now when I click “send” it shows a balance and I try to send it to a different wallet and nothing happens. Main page won’t show any transaction history. I tried importing this wallet into Exodus and it shows no funds when I import. The funds are just sitting in the original address Litewallet gave me and the app won’t work whatsoever. How did people recommend this app to anyone?? Litewallet deleted their customer support page on their website so there’s no way to get help. I tried importing my wallet and installing the app on my wife’s phone and same issues. Did I seriously just lose $330 to this dogshit app?
Hi, I have a similar situation. Today I downloaded a Litewallet wallet, and I transferred $50 to the address indicated there. When the transaction was being confirmed, the wallet address changed (the paper key was registered), and after confirmation, the money was not received. The network shows that they are at the original address, but I do not have them in the application and the transaction history is empty.
When the 0 = 0 balance is shown in Litewallet, it means there’s an issue with the api server. Last month there was a server outage, which caused this issue. This has been fixed for some time now.