Litecoin to Bitcoin address?

Hi, I am new in all these and I was trying to transfer my Litecoins from Coinbase account to my new Ledger nano s device. I downloaded bitcoin app to the device and bitcoin wallet app on crome to my laptop. But instead of transferring the Litecoins to a Litecoin wallet, I accidentally sent the Litecoins to my Bitcoin wallet. The transfer was confirmed on Coinbase, but I don’t see the litecoins neither on my bitcoin wallet nor on my Litecoin wallet.

The transaction is:

Please tell me how to find them. I emailed everyone I could, but no answer yet.



if you see here:

there are two address containing the coins: LUzzfvoQKSxsccw11Nso4xB4miskk3o1Sr contains 0.296774 LTC and 356NuZUn1rwUjj1vv5mP8TaMWJ46SbQS4X contains 3.703 LTC

so what ever wallet contains those two address is the wallet your coins are in

Thanks for the reply. I will explain more so hopefully you can give more suggestions.

LUzzfvoQKSxsccw11Nso4xB4miskk3o1Sr contains 0.296774 LTC : that is the fee taken to transfer my coins from coinbase to external wallet.

356NuZUn1rwUjj1vv5mP8TaMWJ46SbQS4X contains 3.703 LTC : that is the amount that is supposed to be in my wallet, but it’s not. the problem here is following. this address is a bitcoin (segwit) wallet. but I transfered Litecoin to it. Although the transaction was approved, the coins didn’t arrive to the wallet. now, i don’t know how to recover them.

do you have a bitcoin core wallet so you can get the private key and import it into your litecoin core wallet?

usually p2sh address start with 3 or M…are you sure its not a segwit litecoin address?

open your litecoin wallet and type:
getwitnessaddress LUzzfvoQKSxsccw11Nso4xB4miskk3o1Sr

and if it returns an address then your coins are in your wallet just not showing until you redeem them…if it saysd address or pubkey not known to wallet then your right about it being a bitcoin address…

segwit address’ show up on bitcoins blockchain but with no transfer history…

Litecoin actually thinks the 3… address is Litecoin’s “new type” address and shows it as M:
/litecoin-cli getaddressutxos 356NuZUn1rwUjj1vv5mP8TaMWJ46SbQS4X
“address”: “MBJXDStjxynuYEHq1xkix6pkpzeYP9cW2c”,
“txid”: “1cad1a200d63604ff27be68e28d3d9bb964e7c929d4fdb9791e178aefde3a2b2”,
“outputIndex”: 1,
“script”: “a914255375d275a960f3e0ee2002a7c906688a82ec4387”,
“satoshis”: 370300000,
“height”: 1297447
(by satoshis it means 1/100,000,000 of LTC here)
When Base58-encoded addresses are converted to corresponding Public Keys, the first byte is ignored (it denotes “network”) so unless the exchange in question (Coinbase in this case) looks at the first letters of Base58-encoded address - they usually don’t - they are OK sending LTC to BTC addresses. Sadly, as this is error-prone - there is another similar topic on this forum.

I read an article about trezor mentioning something about this…trzor uses M address in place of their 3 address now…

here is a P2SH address converter I found you may try converting the address it comes up as a match tot he above:
P2SH Converter

try it…problem is that the M address above is not a valid litecoin address and is a valid bitcoin address…

heres a base 58 encoder:
Base58 Encoder

so maybe the address can be converted from base 58 and then hashed again using 160 or 256? I really don’t know here as I am just now learning about the “nitty gritty” of Segwit and P2SH address’

pretty sure that you can convert the M address to a litecoin address some how I just cant figure out how to get L address’ form hashing functions myself

Thanks for the reply. I have a Ledger Nano S and I am storing my bitecoins and altcoins in this device.

356NuZUn1rwUjj1vv5mP8TaMWJ46SbQS4X : this address my a Bitcoin segwit address.

M9mstymwX4UzPsPPTh8gN1qA9NgyP5CYGv : this is my Litecoin segwit address.

So I am sure that I sent my litecoins on Coinbase to my Ledger Nano S device’s bitcoin segwit address.

apparently, litecoin used to have addresses starting with 3. Coinbase thought it was a litecoin address since my bitcoin address starts with a 3.

so now the litecoins i tried to transfer to my wallet are lost (i don’t know if that’s the right word). if you have any suggestions about how to recover them, i would appreciate your help. you mentioned that i can try converting from base 58 and do other things. please, be aware that i am totally new in all this. all i can do is buy bitcoins on coinbase and transfer them to my ledger nano s. i don’t know any details or advanced knowledge on bitcoin world and its terminology. so i would be glad if you could explain it in more plain words. thank you very much in advance.

sorry, i am not very familiar with the terminology. i don’t know what base58-encoded addresses mean. so the bottom line is that you think my litecoins are gone forever and there is no way to recover them ?

no they are not gone forever…you have to change the address to the correct format and recover the private keys…Trezor claims you should not have any problems with the type of address you are using but if you are then you will need to contact them about the device not working properly if you cant convert the keys

if you sent them from coinbase and you do not see a confirmation on the blockchain then the coins will be back in your coinbase wallet within 30 days

M9mstymwX4UzPsPPTh8gN1qA9NgyP5CYGv is an invalid bitcoin address
there are 3.703 LTC in 356NuZUn1rwUjj1vv5mP8TaMWJ46SbQS4X
see them here:

just my opinion but if I were youI would get the private keys off the device and import it in to a core wallet and throw that trezor away …you can run core wallets externally on an external harddrive, ssd or large enough flash drive…
but that’s just me

hello bakd247,
i searched on the internet. people say that i cannot extract private keys from ledger nano s. that means i wont be able to import my coins to a core wallet. and on the link you provided, there are 6+ confirmations on the transaction. does that mean it will not reverse in 30 days?

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if there are confirmations on the blockchain then nothing can be reversed

should be able to recover keys using pywallet…key recovery from a ledger is one of the options to choose when running the program…
have any experience using python?

I don’t have any experience with python. but it seems ledger wallets work differently. no private keys can be extracted, they say. it has 24 words that are known only by the owner.

yes but if you have a 24 word private phrase…this can be hashed and calculated to import you private keys to another form of software/hardware

they only use 160 wordlist to make those 12 and 24 word phrases using the password you provide as a “salt”

do you have your recovery phrase?

these 24 words are used to recover. the machine will ask you some of them randomly and then you recover your account. how would this help me?

yes i know this…and that wallet saves a hash and plugs in those words and verifies using a hash…trust me…that is the only way they can get a transaction onto the blockchain is with hashing…

its just like how brain wallets are created…
chose a word any word…

“word” then gets hashed using scrypt into 92a20e56b735640ff418e0d9ef9843bbf432bd30910ca40995a677f7188d53be which is a 32 byte scrypt hash then using MD160 hash and converting to Big Endian…you get your private key…then using the “elliptical curve” you get your public key and then it is hashed using scrypt and then md160 you now have your public key and then encoded using base 58 and now you have your receiving address form the word “word”

the public key hashes to match the double hash of the signature created by an address’ private key to verify a transaction receipt or “redeem the coins”
its all in the bitcoin white paper as to how address’ are generated using either random or input information

No guarantees but just give this as an example:
go here:Scrypt Encrypt - Scrypt Hash Generator - Online - Browserling Web Developer Tools and type in those 24 words with no spaces and use your walletpassphrse as the salt at 32 bytes and a 1024"N" (nonce) and then go to and after you get it to count down to zero and it goes to the next screen…click “wallet details” and then paste the hash you just generated in the box labeled “private key” and click “view details”…Convert the hash result to Big Endian …and just see if you get the same “L address” assuming you have an L address on the device…if it is a “M” or a “3” address then you will need to do 2 more steps…
if you do it exactly the way that trezor did you will get the same address verifying that the private key you just hashed is yours
its all over wiki as to how 12 word phrase wallets and 24 phrase wallets can be hacked rather easily…
here is the link about key generation warnings…
Passphrase generation - Bitcoin Wiki
and as a “studying ethical security penetration expert” myself…I guarantee the methods are more than possible

Below is a guide to recover keys sent to a bitcoin address on a different post on this site:
Seems to work for this and upgrades that coins are not seen in but private keys are…

unless you have a way to import private keys on your trezor and “add a witness” …

however like I was saying earlier you need to verify your private key since you only have recovery words so you will need to verify that those recovery words hash using sha256 in Big Endian Format…if it does as not give the same “L” address by just typing the 24 words into the “private key” box on…and it should match the first address on the device…if you do it correctly

You’re going to need a fully synced Litecoin-qt install for this to work, which may take 5-10 hours.

  1. Open up this page,, and
  2. Copy your private key into the Wallet Details tab on Scroll to the bottom and copy the “Private Key Hexadecimal Format (64 characters [0-9A-F]):” value.
  3. Go to the page and move around your mouse until the Wallet Details tabs appears. Put in the hex key from the previous step in here.
  4. Select and copy the compressed WIF key (NOT the one starting with 6). Also keep note of the “Litecoin Address Compressed” from the first half of the page (starting with L)
  5. Open up Litecoin-qt, then head into the debug console.
  6. Run importprivkey “” (with quotes).
  7. Once the import finished, run addwitnessaddress “”.
  8. Wait for this import to finish as well. Take the M-address from the console and use this tool to convert it to a 3-Address.
  9. If the funds haven’t shown up yet, close Litecoin-qt.
  10. Restart Litecoin-qt along with a rescan. This varies by OS, and in most cases will happen automatically if you wait for 10 minutes or so before restarting.

Hello bakd247,

I just followed all steps. I got the same 3-address when I converted the M-adress from the console (step 8). I restarted Litecoin Core but the coins didn’t show up. Any idea why?

I just know the above steps worked for some other people supposedly…but…
did you addwittness for the address of the new private key you imported?
go to console and type addwitness(address) the address here is the address belonging to the private key you just imported…
when you type the address belonging to the private key you just imported into block explorer are there coins in it? what about for the witness address of that address?

check there are coins in the witness address you just got when running addwitness…

you need to make sure you have the private key in your wallet belonging to the public address the coins are in…bottom line
so insure that after you converted to a 3 address…double check that address on block cypher as well…

Yes, I did addwittness for the address. P2SH Converter gives me the original 3-address when I type the M-address I got from Litecoin debug console. shows that the 3-address still has my litecoins. and the M-address is invalid in

how come P2SH Converter gives that address and thinks that it’s invalid?

if it thinks it is invalid then the math does not work out to bitcoins protocol limits for address generation…( sting index is out of range)

is it valid on litecoin blockchain and not on bitocin maybe?

I dont know for sure as I am clearly just guessing now but I do know that an address is invalid because the math does not work out like I said…hashing can still occur but the protocol will only accept values between certain ranges…(0 and 256bits)(32bytes)