Litecoin Payment Method Api Recommendations?

I am looking to do some development and integration with Litecoin to setup a payment method gateway. Can anyone recommend an api solution and or payment gateway provider for litecoin? I am also interested in experiences with any of the above.

On a server that has a Litecoin Daemon running and RPC setup, you can use any JSON-RPC library/package to process payments.

There is a lot of good information here at the API Reference (JSON-RPC) within the Bitcoin Wiki about this, all of this should be applicable to Litecoin as well. JSON RPC is the lowest level API available and probably the best way to go if you want full control over the experience (and avoid introducing a third-party).

If you’re using Node.js, you could probably look over at this: GitHub - litecore-archive/litecoind-rpc: A client library to connect to Bitcoin Core RPC in JavaScript.

Payment gateways exist too, I’ve seen Coingate. There is a post about this that has a list of others: Top 4 Alternative Ways to Accept Litecoin Payments » The Merkle News

Good luck!

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Have you tried BitGo?

They have decent API and multisig (2-of-3) Litecoin wallets, where you own 2 of the 3 keys and they own the 3rd.

They do use segwit-in-p2sh for Bitcoin; not sure if they do use segwit for litecoin as well.

Thanks heaps, plenty here for reference!

Thanks, I just checked Bitgo out they do have an api however it appears from their literature that they are bitcoin only at the moment.