Litecoin Foundation Logo Poll

Submission 1

Submission 2

Submission 3

Submission 4

Submission 5

Submission 6

Submission 7

Submission 8

Submission 9

Submission 10

Submission 11

PS: if your submission is not included in the above list, please let me know.

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Submission 5

can i make a logo or its only from these options?

Please go ahead.

Submission 6 - most professional for me

Submission 9!

Submission 1 with color (blue). Keep it simple…

Submission 6…definitely!

I cant decide between #5 and #8…id like to see #5 with a circle around it myself…but I don’t think that’s an option…:disappointed:

what format do these need to be in? I have a few ideas myself…

The logo should not have the Foundation added… What would you think if “PayPal” was called “PayPal Foundation”? Its silly

critter you do understand this thread is about the “Litecoin Foundation” logo and not “Litecoin” which already has it’s own logo.

No I did not know this… Makes much more since now… Thanks this was first I saw this

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Then I go with Number 6

Submission 6

Submission 8

Submission 6 also

Number 8 (with shading) :slight_smile:

I created submission 8… Im not too fussed if I won or not… but I would like to know who won and when and why? we submitted our logos in December… its now July? Perhaps Xinxi you can be a little more professional and let us know where we stand?