Final sale
Get from 5% to 30% discount (depends of units quantity)
Price available only till July 15th
Unit Hash-rate Price Batch
Antminer D3 X11 $230 May, June Batch
Antminer L3+ 504MH/s $375 May, June Batch
Antminer L3++ 580MH/s $425 July batch
Antminer S9i 13.5TH/s $520 July batch
Antminer S9 13TH/s $410 June Batch
Antminer S9 13.5TH/s $455 June Batch
Antminer S9 14TH/s $490 June Batch
Antminer A3 Blake(2b) 815GH/s $320 Batch 2,3
Antminer E3 Blake(2b) 190MH/s $1630 May, June Batch
Power Supply included
Shipping costs depends of your GEO & order size
Shipping World Wide 5-9 days
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