Keep track of Litecoin price in Excel and Google Sheets

If you use spreadsheets (Excel or Google Sheets) to manage your crypto portfolio, do check out Finsheet (finsheet dot io), a website my friends and I started recently. To get latest quote of Litecoin, use this one simple function:


If you are a trader that needs intra-day data to do technical analysis or backtesting, this function will give you 1-minute price of Litecoin from the beginning of today (04/25/2022) until now:

=FS_CryptoCandles(“COINBASE:LTC-USD”, “1”, “04/25/2022”)

The website is completely free right now since we just launched. Really appreciate if you guys can check it out and let me know any feedback you may have. Thanks a lot.


I know you are a legitimate user and wants to promote your business. The key point to this here at litecointalk is not to create more topics, but rather have one with good visibility. So you can use one topic to spread more info about your service and ppl will find out.


I am aware that you are a real user who wishes to advertise your company. Here at litecointalk, having a topic with strong visibility is more important than creating new topics. Therefore, you can use a single topic to convey more information about your service, and people will learn about it.

Google is best to be avoided.
Coinbase is another middleman which under P2P has no business.

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being that we got peers on and with unauthorized used for there own personal gain an reason im going to reprimande an mandate with todays timestamp for us all to be carefull on who an what you say as far as dealings with other members or peers …CGG Christopher G Graham 1.

Why do you think so about Google? What is the point? (just interesting)

'cause Google fetches data and sells it. Basically it spies on you to sell your data to advertisers. Once a company becomes too large it usually turns evil.

Have you seen their fonts? They have a lot of URLS in their css, they are the reason why sites load slowly.

Their Adwords recomendation get you more clicks if followed but at a exuberant price of $ per click.

Do you need traffic? I send you some 200 daily Visitors for 1Ltc for 5 month strait. Those visitors are as useful as Google’s are.

There is a reason why conversions have fallen for the ROI of Adwords.

Not all Google does is bad. But many things Google sells as truth are just not that.

This what I wana say