Is Litewallet not a BIP39 compatible wallet? MWEB integration?

Hello Litecoin friends,
I recenty tested Litewallet on Android and was quite surprised that import/export of the 12-word-seedphrase to another BIP39 wallet like Electrum-LTC or Stackwallet resulted in an empty wallet.
In contrast to Electrum-LTC/ Stackwallet where mutual import/export of the seedphrase worked perfectly.

My question is:

  • Isn’t Litewallet BIP39 compatible?
  • Does Litewallet use an algorithm different to BIP39 like for example “Umbrel Bitcoin Lightning nodes” use an algorithm called “Aezseed” instead of BIP39 (resulting in an empty wallet, too, when imported to e.g. Electrum-BTC)?

Bonus question:

  • any news on the status of the MWEB implementation for Litewallet? Is there a dedicated info/Github/donation website?

Isn’t Litewallet BIP39 compatible?

Litewallet is a BIP39 compatible wallet.
You’re likely having issues importing your litewallet seed phrase into another wallet as Litewallet uses a non standard derivation path of m/0'/0 and m/0'/1 for change. So to recover you need to use something like IanColeman’s bip39 tool, select litecoin mainnet, and set the derivation path as mentioned above.


Aezeed is an alternative to BIP39, with two major improvements: wallet birthday (so you wallet knows when it was first created if you ever have to rescan, improving recovery speed) and versioning. As far as I know Aezeed is only used by the lnd lightning client. For litecoin we have our own fork of lnd, called lndltc hosted at GitHub - ltcsuite/lnd: Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️.

any news on the status of the MWEB implementation for Litewallet? Is there a dedicated info/Github/donation website?

I’ll make a thread about this. I’ve been posting updates about this to twitter.

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