Hello folk’s I have recently fallen in love with cryptocurrency’s and recently understood that having more node’s support’s the blockchain MAJORLY!!
I have planned intentions to slowly save up the funding that is needed to get what I need for right now I will start small just 1-2 LTC miner’s at the house for a few month’s while I continue to save and Stack LTC and pocket money as much has I financially can on a janitor’s salary.
I am fully dedicated to the block chain whenever my shift ends and every dying moment when I am off work and I would really love to support the Litecoin block chain specifically by slowly helping grow and help adoption and bring more awareness to Litecoin with starting my own Node and solo miner’s
for the 1-2 year plan me and buddy’s will save up anywhere from 80K to 120K CAD 40K for 10 acre’s of land I was offered. and however much it would cost to have 3-5 small shack’s and 2 semi big hydro generator’s to power the 5 mining shack’s and I want to have at least 20-25 Scrypt miner’s dedicated ONLY to LTC ! with 3 separate pc’s to act as 3 large node’s solo pool mining LTC to build up and stack LTC and act as like a “LTC treasury”
So far it has been me saving up and I so far gathered 1K in LTC through my own pocket fund’s and letting that grow in time
My buddy’s are also down to support my dream and will throw any fund’s they can towards my dream of helping Litecoin push forward and skyrocket through out the ecosystem!
I will personally keep everyone up to date on my journey on doing everything stated above! any thoughtful donation’s toward’s my dream to help and support and grow LTC with giant node solo mining pool miner’s please send any donation’s to my Litewallet I opened for the cause’s donation wallet
Notification’s are on for the wallet and I will thank everyone and post when any LTC get’s sent to the wallet address above!
![Screenshot 2025-01-25 202220|618x500]