i have old wallet.dat files from my brother mining how do i access them?

so my brother passed away in 2018 and i have the wallet.dat files from where he was mining coin for us. but im clueless on how to get them sent to my new accounts to figure out if he had a stock pile for us. lite coin, feather coin, and Ethereum. can someone help guide me the correct way? i want to avoid losing it if at all possible, still no clue how much he may have.


First, keep a backup of that “wallet.dat” file. If you lose it, you won’t be able to move whatever Litecoin might be associated with it.

I suggest the following approach: get the Litecoin Core client, run it and create a wallet. It will create a new “wallet.dat” somewhere in the ~/.litecoin folder. Then replace that “wallet.dat” with the one that you have and wait for the Litecoin Core client to synchronize with the network (leaving your computer on for one day should be enough). You should see a balance when it’s done.