There are many steps to convert Litecoin in INR but doing this with the help of cryptocurrency exchange is the easiest path.
you can buy and sell There Litecoin (LTC) easily on any cryptocurrency exchanges in India like PCEX Member, WazirX, and Zebpay. for Example I am showing you how to do it on PCEX Member, all the steps were taken under are may similar to other exchanges but may vary little
These are some steps to be taken for the conversion of LTC in INR.
- Sign up/Register or Login
Sign up if you are a new member, else login using the existing credentials. It’s a quick process. You just enter your name and email and confirm your email by clicking on the confirmation link received, and you are good to go.
- KYC, Bank Account, and Security
PCEX Member sends you a confirmation link on your registered email. Click on the confirmation link received on your registered email. It directs you to a trading screen (shown below) with a graphical user interface showing the ups and downs of different market pairs. Click “deposit” that displays above (encircled in red) to get started.
3 Submit KYC Details: Once you click “deposit” (against the blue arrow in the above image), it takes you to the Assets page as shown below.
Under the Fiat Balance, click on “Deposit”. It opens a dialog box stating verification pending. Click “Verify Now” (as below). You will be navigated to a KYC Details page with some fields asking for name, address, ID proof, and photo. Complete the KYC, and click “Submit”. The details are sent for verification.
4 Add Bank details and Set up 2-Factor Authentication
After successful KYC verification, you receive an email alert. Next, add your bank details and set up a 2-factor authentication with your email and phone number. This enhances the safety of your account and prevents it from getting compromised.
5 . transfer your eth to the PCEX Member wallet
6 The next step is to place your order on a certain amount with INR pairing
7 After your order gets placed and being sold the INR will be sent into your wallet `
8 move the cursor to Funds and Click on INR Withdraw
9 . Select the Instant to withdraw option from the drop-down menu.
10 . Once done, select the bank and enter the amount you want to withdraw. Now Click on the Withdraw button and it’s done.
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