Dat file - help me recover my LTC

I am a long time holder of LTC. I wanted to sell my coins to by a miner and start mining LTC. The problem is that I tried to recover my dat file and I do not know if I have lost it all. I downloaded the Litecoin Core and replaced the dat file and then nothing happened. The problem is that the dat file now shows a recent date of creation. I made a backup of the file, but I stored it on the same computer and now it shows the same thing. Is it over for me? Was it overwritten? I hope not!


It’s not over if you kept a backup of the “wallet.dat” file that has the private keys to move your Litecoin. I forgot the exact steps on how to make Litecoin Core recognize the wallet (you should create a folder and add “wallet.dat” inside that folder, and it will become one of many wallets recognized by Litecoin Core), but there’s this forum thread: link.

Are you afraid that Litecoin Core has overwritten the “wallet.dat” file? I think there are separate folders for each one of them. In the worst case scenario (hopefully you’re not there), there are tools to find such file, even if it was deleted from the hard disk (see TestDisk).


Just resync it and it will be alright.


Hi, I am in complete despair at this point. I am on a debian linux distro and I cannot locate the dat file created to replace it with my own and there is no option to restore wallet. What can I do?


There is no such option. I am on a linux distro.


What can I do?

Use TestDisk to recover lost wallet files from your hard disk. That is what can be done. If that does not work, I am afraid that your wallet might have been lost forever.


Now I am in a new computer, I have a backup of the dat file I want to restore. I am using linux debian. I am missing something on the process of restore the wallet file. Could you help me? I receive a few emails saying I should talk to mods on telegram, is this a scam?

I will tell what I did so far and maybe you could help me.

  1. Downloaded Litecoin Core for linux.
  2. I took 2 days to sync.
  3. I have a backup of dat file I want to replace and open on ltc core.
  4. I created a new wallet and backed it up to see where the dat file should be located, but linux let you decide, so I am unsure if I am doing this correctly.
  5. I created a backup of the new wallet inside the bin that has the program.
  6. Replace the dat file.
  7. Nothing happens, no address is giving.

Yes, it is a scam.


Thank you so much.
So, if you could take a few minutes to try to help me, I would be really thankful.


Did you resolve it? If so - how?