Continue reddit poll about privacy [Layer1 vs Layer2 vs No privacy]

Hey guys, Andrey is here :wave:

Let me emphasize right away that I do follow the development process of Mimblewimble Progress Update Thread. In general, I excited about such an idea and learn a lot from the implementation because the last 2 years of my life I spent researching privacy topics in the blockchain space.

Around a week ago I kickstarted a poll on Reddit to understand how LTC holders see privacy implementation into the network:

  • as layer1 upgrade
  • as layer2 solution
  • LTC doesn’t need privacy

Here is the result I got

  • 19% - think that it should be implemented in the main protocol
  • 64% - think that privacy should come from layer2 solutions
  • 17% - think that the Litecoin network doesn’t need privacy at all

I wonder what do you guys think about it?

CC: @Xinxi, @coblee

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