Confirmed MWEB Transactions suddenly becoming unconfirmed

I am experiencing a strange issue with the litecoin testnet where if I send a transaction from WALLET1 to WALLET2 (call this TX1) and then send out multiple transactions from WALLET2, seemingly at random TX1 suddenly becomes unconfirmed and any further transactions sent out by WALLET2 which used TX1 as an input also become unconfirmed.

This happens even when TX1 has tens of confirmations and seems to happen at random. Most transactions from WALLET1 to WALLET2 are fine but every now and then one at random will have the issue described above.

Restarting the litecoin core daemon of WALLET1 seems to rebroadcast the transaction and TX1 begins getting confirmations again but even when fully confirmed, the transactions sent out from WALLET2 which used TX1 as an input do not seem to ever confirm, even when i restart the daemon for WALLLET2 or manually rebroadcast them in the QT gui even after TX1 has new confirmations.

This seems like really strange behavior and is a little alarming if this issue happens on mainnet. All of the transactions in question are MWEB transactions, am I misunderstanding something about how MWEB works and the problem described above is expected behavior?

I can’t imagine it would be and I’m not really sure what’s going on or how to fix the issue.

I am running Litecoin Core version v0.21.3

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I’m speculating here (while waiting for a proper reply), but could the problem be due to lack of mining on testnet? Not sure how it works.

This is actually a bug that’s been happening to quite a few people (both on mainnet and testnet) with MWEB. David Burkett has fixed this in the upcoming release of Litecoin Core v24.