Can Litecoin outperform all other majors?

Do you think there are chances of LTC outperforming all majors?

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Why not? Litecoin is the best next to Bitcoin and Dogecoin.


It should be around doge coin in my opinion

he’s asking about majors and you bring up dogecoin … are you serious ?



Nearly 1 in 3 people agree that Dogecoin is the new Bitcoin.

I think he’s not alone.

yes, all the dumb people

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I heard this rhetoric back in December 2020… Its not happening. Investors would rather buy something else

I think it has a very good chance. People need a better image of it as it is a great coin, has zero downtime, and has upcoming massive growth in utility and collaborations in addition to adoption.

I agree that it’s possible.

It seems that Litecoin follows the bitcoin trajectory almost exactly, so there is a big chance that it might outperform other coins.

Je pense que litecoin va surpasser tout le monde , le MWEB va rendre les transactions entièrement anonymes, pensez vous que ça intéresse personne …
Le protocole omnilite ouvre les outils d une blockchain complete …

what else ?

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