What’s the securest way of storing Litecoin for personal usage?

Hi everyone. What’s the securest way of storing Litecoin for personal usage? Having it all in a hardware wallet doesn’t sound so secure to me. I know it’s technically pretty secure but the thought of logging in and seeing everything gone always scares the crap out of me.

Is there a safer way? Thanks

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Always use a wallet with a password, and NEVER forget the password. Because wallets with passwords are encrypted, even if your computer is hacked, the “wallet.dat” file won’t have any useful data for the hackers (as long as they don’t know your password).
If you are paranoid (like me), I also recommend the following: store your wallet on an offline computer. If the computer is offline, there is no way to hackers to access it.
I think software for paranoid people is lacking. There should be a way for signing cheques from offline computers, getting a QR code and then broadcast the signed cheque using the image.

I like the Ellipal.