Scamming websites

We need to search for scamming websites and report them.
Here is one of them :

(Can’t add links ) :weary:
Using a fake profile of satoshilite and ltcfoundation.
(can’t add links)
Registry Domain ID: D20210115G10001G_54994551-top
Domain Status:
(can’t add links)
(can’t add links)
Organization: Private Person
Mailing Address: Moskovskaya, RU
Name: Internet Domain Name System Beijing Engineering Research Center LLC (ZDNS)
IANA ID: 1723
Some Chinese guys from Russia ?? :rofl::rofl:

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If you found a scamming website report them to their DNS provider.

I posted here also since it’s a “litecoin Foundation giving away” (impersonating you guys )

I’m sure that there is a lot of other scamming websites from Russia, China, Nigeria …etc. would be nice to compile a list so new litecoin investors will not lose any capital. Let’s protect ourselves as a good community.

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Surely a good idea.

https:// elondrop. cash/ looks … suspicious :thinking::thinking:

I always report scam websites to dns providers