MWEB Progress Update Thread

Hi David. Looking forward to watching the YT video.

We appreciate all your hard work on adding scalable fungibility to litecoin.

We look forward to the testnet launch & ultimately the mainnet launch.


can’t wait to try out the cli/rpc


Top notch bro! As usual :metal::owl::black_heart:Ł

Hey @DavidBurkett38

I’ve had this idea. Transferring crypto via wallet is dangerous, by mistaking wallet you lose everything. It is the worst nightmare. Why not use an optional send / receive password which, if incorrect/untyped, sends funds back? #Litecoin


This would be awesome, don’t know if it’s possible tho

Dear David
Any updates about the testnet?


Im waiting for the testnet since long days but when the date is near they wont give us any update as usual.

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I’m still wrapping up the final details. Building something like this is far from easy, but I’m doing my absolute best to make it a success. I will loop everyone in as soon as I can.


the deadline is near still no update :rofl: :joy:


Please wait patiently, trust me in david, trust mimblewinble


This cat right here :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:




Interesting idea.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the MW testnet going to launch at end September? Are we waiting for the last second? Just asking, no hard feelings.


Of course we are! :laughing:

It’s going to launch this evening EST time. For developers and other technical folks who want to participate in initial testing, please join the telegram group at Telegram: Contact @MWEB_testnet and please wait patiently for instructions.

For non-technical users, it may be a bit difficult to get involved now, but I’m working on making it easier for everyone to test. This could take several days though.

Thanks everyone for your patience. I will have a detailed update about the launch late tonight.


Thank you for the fast reply and of course, all your hard work! Great to be on track. ETH can learn from this.


September Progress:

Testnet is here!!! :rocket: :partying_face: :muscle:

So far, there are only a few nodes connected and mining, and there haven’t been enough blocks to activate mimblewimble yet (we’re using BIP9-style activation[1]). As more peers connect and start to mine, I’m hoping we can get the chain moving fast enough to activate in a day or so, but time will tell.

I’m still roughing in very minimal cli wallet support, but hopefully we’ll have a simple way to create mimblewimble transactions by the time it activates. For technical users who aren’t afraid of CLIs, and are willing to build the code themselves, I encourage you to join in on the fun by going to Telegram: Contact @MWEB_Testnet.

The new home for the code is at LTC MWEB · GitHub. For those of you unaware, MWEB is now the new official acronym for “Mimblewimble Extension Block.” It’s so super official, that we’ve got an awesome logo and everything! Check it out:

Going Forward:

Now that the MWEB testnet is running, I’m going to focus on ways to make it easy for non-technical litecoin users to start testing it out as well. This means improving the automated builds, better documentation, and starting to build out wallet support.

Right now, there are a number of areas in the code that are fragile or lack the necessary validation around edge cases, so I’ll also be taking some time this month to harden the code, and start validating any remaining consensus rules we missed. Once I’m confident everything is working as designed, I’ll start looking for ways to break the testnet, to make sure we find and resolve any security or stability weaknesses.

Next month, I’ll share a detailed plan of all of the remaining work necessary to get MWEB merged to the main repo, so that miners and node operators can start signaling for activation sometime in 2021! :smile:

[1] BIP 0009 - Bitcoin Wiki


Awesome thanks for the update. If I can help in anyway I would be willing to volunteer to help test MWEB. Just DM me or let me know what I can do and I will do it David.


Thank you for the hard work. Cant wait for this to go live.

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Thanks @QPatriot! Are you a C++ or python developer by any chance?

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