LTC withdrawal address error sending BTC address

Please help me,LTC withdrawal address error sending BTC address

What is the way to recover

You should not normally be able to send litecoin to a bitcoin address, since they begin with “L” and “1” respectively. But it it was a multisig address that could happen since both start with “3”.

What exactly happend?

okcoin 启用了多重认证的btc地址,新的btc地址发送时不能被ltc识别。
Okcoin enabled multiple authentication btc address, the new btc address can not be recognized by ltc.

Okcoin enabled multi-signed btc address, new btc address can not be identified when sent


@bsj 你好我也遇到同样的事情了 看ok说帮你解决了 能告诉我怎么解决的吗