LTC recovered from Bitcoin influence

LTC has made some significant gains today, accounting for more than 8% of intraday transactions. This is driven by the favorable momentum that Bitcoin has brought to the entire encryption market in the past 72 hours. Bitcoin now seems to be gaining more than $8,000, and it is pulling the rest of the market. Litecoin has already breached the psychological price of $120, and the litecoin trading volume is rising. This shows that investors believe bullish and expects Litecoin will continue to profit in the market. One of the indicators is the trading volume. In the past 24 hours, the Litecoin trading volume has grown from 303 million US.dollars to the current 466 million US. dollars.
What do people think about Litecoin online? In the past 24 hours, Litecoin has been mentioned about 20 times on different major platforms. Among them, 55% is positive, and the description of investor expectations are varies. This may means that a considerable number of people have stopped their Litecoin investment and wait to see if the current trend will continue. If LTC stays above $120 in the next few days, then people emotions will catch up with the current price trend. Here is the trade value chart of litecoin price and bitcoin price. If you have any thoughts about the occurred litecoin recently, you can share with me in comment.