Litecoin fixed bitcoin bug?

So they say bitcoin has bug until 0.16.3(can make fake coin), and at 0.16.3 it was fixed?

So then litecoin’s what version is adopt bitcoin’s fix?

And how to update old litecoin(0.15)'s cloned coin?

I think it is fixed at 0.16.3 now. Others?

(good call…mine was at 0.16.2 I will upgrade now) :slight_smile:


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exactly what code lines should be revised for fix?

no idea…I miss spoke in previous post still getting error below

it comes up that Searing is not allowed to sign on from that IP on like 49 out of 50 attempts…I manage

to get in about once every 2 weeks…it may be happeing to others on here in that posting is way down


“In order to encourage rapid upgrades, the decision was made to immediately patch and disclose the less serious denial of service vulnerability, concurrently with reaching out to miners, businesses and other affected systems, while delaying publication of the full issue to give time for systems to upgrade.