Importing wallet that have verified signature message

Hey, I’ve spent hours on this and don’t feel like I’ve made progress. First, I tried to subtract the unsigned message from the signed message. The a = y - z didn’t exactly work. However, the construction of a signature by signing the message string – the label for the address does work well. I have a sk, sig, sk_string (signing-key), and vk_string (verifying-key) or public key.

The sig_string is in hexadecimal but not DER encoded so that is throwing me off. The vk_string or public key
is uncompressed so I have to add the ‘04’ prefix. I’m not sure how to use the sk though.

Also, haven’t been able to use pycoin right to create a new transaction. Can’t I just build using the format I posted earlier?

Question, so since I’ve created the signature for the new transaction signing the message, I don’t have to sign a hash of the transaction, right?

Can I just pay you a bounty? Like, give you all the info and you do the transaction and take a percentage?

by creating the signature…that is signing the transaction…
generating a signing key is not a signature though
a signed message or transaction is a “signature”
you can convert the key to a DER encoded file:

but you have to have the key saved as a PEM file currently…
I know there is a way to do this in python…I just have to find the reference to it again

to use the sk(signing key which is your private key)
you just sign a raw unsigned transaction with the key:

pkey = (private key you recovered)
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey(pkey)

you dont need the verifying key to sign or create the transaction…only to verify it after it has been signed prior to or after broadcasting it to the network

Oh. Okay. Let’s communicate privately on hiring you to get this done at your charge rate.

For those following this post, let me update you. There hasn’t been any progress in accomplishing this task which I sought assistance (see the first post). bakd247 took on the task under the premise that he would get 20%. He has advised that he has moved so I guess that has held things up.

But, I’ll keep everyone informed because I know this is an interesting issue regarding having a message and base64 signature.

At this point, it doesn’t look like bakd247 is going to accomplish the task. I get the feeling that he is some kind of NSA operative or some operative who backs centralization.

Warning!!! There are secret operatives on these forums!!

Such an useful tips that you shared with us. Thanks for this

I take offense to anyone saying I “back centralization”
and fyi…I am still working on your wallet…
I have an exploit I have been work on since we last talked that can calculate private keys form public keys…
I actually found your inverse key already…
however…cracking the elliptic curve is not an easy task…
just becasue I know how to do it…doesnt suddenly make it easy to do…