I don't find all of my Coins and addresses in the Wallet Core

Hello, I have moved my litecoin folder to a external hard disc.
I downloaded the last version of the core wallet. Previously I have sent some coins and I could see it.
Then I bought more litecoin and sent it to the wallet. I don’t remember if I sent it to the same old addresses or a new one. (i think a new onw) I launched the wallet. I can see 2 transactions and two different addresses.
I see a balance, but it misses the new coins I bought. The wallet is Synced to the correct block.
I checked in Bittrex to see the address where I sent the coins. Then I checked it online and I can see the coins are there at this specific address.
I don’t see this address in my wallet , I dont see the coins. Only the old ones, not related to last transaction.
Can someone be so kind to assist me please?
Thanks a lot

Diydf you fixed it? chances are you’ve got a second litecoin wallet with a separated set of addresses.
Try to find it on AppData or .litecoin folder
I can assist you via TeamViewer if you need.