GET YOUR IDEA OUT OF THE PAPER AND WIN 3.5 LTC! #LITECOIN Hands-on Campaign - Deadline: August 31 2021

We have a deal! From now on prizes are:

  • 1.5 LTC for the winner
  • 0.5 LTC to the second place.

@Lite_Diss ans @Jf7788 are together on this. I will update this post asap.


People are matching donations to the contest.

Prizes are:

  • 2 LTC for the winner
  • 1 LTC for the second place
  • 0.5 LTC to the 3rd.

I think this will make people get out of the couch :slight_smile:


I have an idea but can’t execute it…someone else is welcome to…

Buy an iconic London Red Phone boxes in High footfall locations in London. Not cheap though around £25,000 each. Cover the phone box with Litecoin marketing material. All tourists/londoners walking past will see the litecoin marketing.

NFT art is in high demand nowadays. It can be created a Twitter account for NFT artists and made competitions for every month. Most voted NFT (about Litecoin) will be bought for 1 LTC (Price can be adjusted) and will be used as Profile Picture for a month. In this way collectors can show their talents and know Litecoin as supporter of them. They will start to create their NFTs including something about Litecoin so Litecoin is also promoted. This is my opinion. Open to be improved.

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Thanks to @Jf7788 and some others. All the funds are already together on this wallet:


My trending meme on r/Litecoin i posted (u/iBanano)

LTC, The LitCoin :fire: vs. BCH, The BitchCoin :cry:

I’m unable to post link.

Count me in for LiteCoin Hands-On Campaign


please count me in with my meme on r/litecoin, i got 300+ upvotes…


ltc to the moon :rocket: chickens ariseeeeee!
I’ll be crossposting my memes to other subs too.




We got our two first contestants! Welcome!

Every entry will be evaluated on the this contest after the due date. Don’t worry!


Aside from the Dank Meme,

Now, some genuine stuff we can do to promote Litecoin…

First thing we can do is decide the primary and main website for Litecoin. As per wikipedia page, we have 2 website i.e. litecoin(dot) org and Litecoin (dot) com .

Second thing, show Whitepaper, it’s almost non existent on website.

Third thing, Show the core team who are currently developing LTC on website.

Fourth Thing, memes and dank memes, Meme will enable masses to understand more about Litecoin.

Fifth Thing : LiteWallet and the card shouldn’t be US exclusive, we can expand to more countries.

Sixth Thing : Option to personalise the Litecoin Card, hire some good designers to make Chikun Arise cards/LitCoin :fire: Cards, etc . Or some similar community theme.Even Sir Charlie Lee’s twitter cover of DBZ goku and vegeta as btc and ltc is dope.

Seventh thing : More YouTube and Social Media Presence, quirky and witty social media replies would be lit. Kinda like Wendy’s old dank post.

Eight Thing : Litewallet UI can be little more simplified, it does the job but aesthetics and speed can be improved a bit.

Ninth Thing : Emphasize updates such as MimbleWimble and many other LTC features such as that card, speed, tps, digital silver,how it’s like a little brother and similar to BTC etc.
Highlight the applications of LTC.
Share facts of LTC on twitter, clear up some common misconceptions and FUDs that always revolve around LTC.

This way, Chikuns will Arise and we’ll be on moon. And hopefully my comment will go down in good books of History.

Cheers to LTC and Charlie Lee. :beers:
Also, Thanks to @Lite_Diss for conducting this giveaway and for making our community active.


I told you everything right )))

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I suggest promotional material which incites people or is informative to solidify positive feeling around LTC. See below:
I have made this – feel free to share and spread.

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I have noticed that many people had trouble logging in/using for the last 2 weeks or more. I think we should postpone the deadline for this campaign. Do you agree?

A week ago i couldn’t login for roughly 48 hours but later problem is solved.

The message sent by @Adamt is “14 DAYS LATER” but just got yesterday here. For some reason, some messages were delayed and others have been cleared and reposted. I think maybe some backups were restored.

I talked to the people who gently sponsored this campaign and we are postponing deadline.

Submissions are being accept until August 31.

I will create a new post tabulating contestants, there are already 3 of then.

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It won’t help anymore. Litecoin project missed its moment for promotion. The competition is too high now.

i uploaded a meme on r/Litecoin. (u/iFatWeasel)

As Dogecoin is trending due to Elon Musk and many others,
we can promote litecoin-mining as we get free dogecoins by mining LTC.

this can make ltc network more secure and more decentralized and make LTC gain popularity.



we can promote ltc mining by informing people that you get free dogecoins if you mine litecoin.

Screenshot 2021-07-15 at 1.43.32 PM
my post has almost 400 up votes


I am compiling subscribed contestants at 2021 #LITECOIN Hands-on Campaign Subscribed Contestants and added a field to track how the idea had spread/went viral.

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