FLARE: Crypto 2.0 and LTC to greatly benefit

In my opinion, accumulate FLR by having XRP on 12/12, buy FLR IOUs, get ready with LTC as it will be the highest payout in FLR and the first to be on the network, followed by XRP, :dog2:, XLM.

FLR, XRP, XLM, :dog2:, and LTC along with the Bitcoin Trio, look to be the next wave of crypto advancement.

Defi, smart contracts, and more for FLR and the coins integrating with FLR. Eth capabilities at a fraction of the price.


oh thanks

So your suggestion is to timetravel?
“Your claimable Spark amount depends on your XRP balance on 12th December 2020, 00:00 UTC”

Spark or Flr will also be earned on the network first by LTC holders integrating with the system at or following the end of Q2, followed by XLM, :dog2:, XRP. It adds defi, smart contracts, and more to LTC giving it eth capabilities. https://blog.flare.xyz/integrating-litecoin-flare-recap/

So if i lock up my LTC on Flare (which they really do a poor job of explaining how that will be done), i will earn some XRP-like token?


You also gain defi, smart contracts, etc in addition can earn LTC, XLM, :dog2:, XRP, and possibly soon ADA. https://blog.flare.xyz/integrating-litecoin-flare-recap/