Downloading blockchain stops at 7 weeks, what to do

What is liecoin!? joking… :grin:

There is a great group here, very helpful forum members!

I agree with losh11 that a client like electrum-ltc is much much easier to deal with compare to litecoin core. If you insist on using litecoin core, bakd247 has some good pointers. Here is just a few more to add.

First, make sure you’ve downloaded the latest litecoin core client from:

Next, to save a lot of time syncing from peers, you can ‘boostrap’ the initial blockchain sync (rather than spend a lot of time downloading blocks from peers)

If this technical mumbo jumbo looks like it’s too much, I’d definitely recommend sticking with electrum-ltc or like you ask there may be somebody local that can assist on-site. :thumbsup:

Hi cxop,

I managed to transfer most of the ltc to btc-e.
Then bought BTC
The transfered to my BTC wallet.
From there i am gonna buy gold.
i have had it with cryptos for now.
Maybe later i start again.
i will ask my computerhelp to "“bootstrap”"
Way to much for me.
thx for help!!


test network is suppose to be there…as long as your wallet is using mainnet and not testnet you should be fine

thx for help bakd

i managed to get everything out.

I will take the advise to have a look at more simpler wallets.
