Donation to keep the forum running

Your forum work and the continuation thereof is very important.

Would it be worthwhile to create a basic funding page that tracks the bills that have been incurred (as you have listed above), the amount of :ltc: received in the fund and applied by you to each individual bill, and the amount of excess (or deficit) :ltc: ?

I think it may help to show everyone specifically which bills have been fully paid and which ones need additional funding. For example, I cannot determine how much was spent on the lawyer and if that has been completely paid for or is still outstanding. I can only assume that it was not cheap.

Just some ideas for later, I realize you have a great release to manage at the moment.

Yeah, I will try to make it more clear by using a table to list the expenses and donations received. The lawyer is not involved yet. I need to make sure I will get enough donation first. I can surely pay myself. But I hope to see supports from the community.

It’s much clearer now.

That’s great. Thanks for the details.

I will point avaliable miners to the adress the coming week. It seems you are better off with a 2% donation upfront :wink:

Thank you!

Someone keeps donating 10 LTC to the forum at 9pm everyday. Who is that? Anyway, thanks!

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See above. Payout in multiples of 5. I hope more people at the forum will donates the same way in te future :slight_smile:

The GoldCoin (GLD) team will be establishing a rolling Litecoin development fund beginning immediately. Our new rebase is based on the new Litecoin and we want to give back to the Litecoin community.

Please let us know if there are any specific areas where we should direct funds. I see @SatoshiLite occasionally on Twitter, so I guess I could also ask him?

Thanks so much guys for the new forum. It looks awesome! :innocent:

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I just found out which pool it is. Thanks a lot! Let me know if you want me to put the pool’s name above.

Thanks, but the donation is from me personally, and for a week. Let the pool make their own donations to the cause :slight_smile:

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Oh, good! I will put your name above then. Thanks again!

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Hi MicroGuy, @coblee told me he has already messaged you. You can donate to the above address first, and I will transfer the funding you donated to Litecoin Foundation once I finished its registration.

Charlie has indeed messaged me.I brought up the rolling donation idea at our meeting on Sunday, and our entire team is looking forward to supporting the Litecoin mission moving forward.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome!


I donated on behalf od cxop, who wanted me to donate to your cause. He helped me solve a problem, but wouldnt take anything! His a valuable member of this community! .
